Udacity Blockchain Nanodegree

Udacity Blockchain Nanodegree Program

To evince great interest in the today’s market blockchain technology is a solution where the issues such as information security, data symmetry are becoming critical. The blockchain technology companies want good technology learners, and Udacity is the lifelong learning platform that connects learning to jobs, considering the opportunity of blockchain developer or blockchain programming. There are many ways to approach the subject and learn about blockchain free courses is now on the top interest for tech-savvy persons, found this is the right time to learn the new things in technology as well as corporate. Because research says that:


“In the labor market blockchain for business or jobs is the second fastest growing area. The demand for blockchain engineering is rose 700 percent.”


Now to go through the Udacity Blockchain Nanodegree program, everyone has many questions, like What is blockchain, what is blockchain programming, how to become a blockchain developer, what is the technology behind blockchain, how to learn blockchain technology, about the companies using blockchain technology. Here we discuss these all FAQs, to provide you some knowledge about Udacity  Blockchain Nanodegree Program introducing blockchain definition.

What is Blockchain?

What is Blockchain?

The blockchain is a revolutionary technology used to transfer digital assets hassle free. There are not any intermediaries between them and enables peer-to-peer transfer so learners can learn the program through blockchain. There are 4 types of blockchain course students can learn:

  1. Concept learning of Blockchain technology

This course covers the basic fundamentals of blockchain technology, including essential areas, use-cases, etc.

  1. Contracts for designing and implementing

Programmer sand designers who want to involve the implementation and designing in blockchain application prefer this blockchain course.

  1. Information about frameworks of blockchain for business

Wanted to get detailed knowledge about blockchain, understand outline and framework of blockchain is the main aspect of this course.

  1. Developing methods for decentralized blockchain applications.

This course covers many necessary features and topics of blockchain technology to enable decentralized application on the platform.

Udacity is the company provides a perfect curriculum course for learning blockchain and consult the experienced blockchain developers. They provide online learning blockchain courses on many platforms like Coursera, EDX, etc.

Use of Blockchain

The first question occurred in everyone’s brain is why blockchain concept? Why it is in high demand and give high in salary? As the Founder of the Democracy Earth Foundation, Santiago Siri said:

“Blockchain-based technologies are ways of coding, not just a financial software but also it can code human rights.”

Blockchain makes a positive contribution to a social arena. By providing the skills, prepare the students to get a job online is a social cause to help others. Through the blockchain, Udacity help to cut payment costs, control financial risk, data protection beneficiary.

A brief about Udacity Blockchain courses

We all know that there is plenty of online platform for fun and others such as finance, gaming, healthcare, etc. So why not education platform online? Udacity did the same for the students who are seeking the job in recent technology. The Udacity blockchain Nanodegree program helps coders to teach everything they need to know for working in the industry of blockchain technology.

This course is approx. two or three-month course and is focused on practical knowledge. As we discussed that, they take care about how students make their own blockchain, learn smart contracts and build the application. The student should know about Object-oriented programming before registration of the course. There are courses in blockchain java Coursera, learn it because you have to build web applications with JavaScript. There is a blockchain security course for data security purpose, also others.

The bitcoin crash course, as well as Bitcoin and cryptocurrency Coursera, is also available. Anyone wants to do blockchain security course or bitcoin course prefers this course to do.

What is the Udacity Blockchain Developer Nanodegree Program?

Blockchain Developer

To spread blockchain over the globe, Udacity launched a new blockchain nanodegree program, that is accessible online. After the registration the students can learn the basics of the blockchain, developers indulge themselves into the blockchain technology and get the help for their future career.

The Udacity said that this program is focused on blockchain skills, and students get readymade projects portfolio combined with blockchain developers after the completion of this course. The benefit of this course is you can manage data, build your store, create own contracts, blockchain powered app and etc.

Udacity has launched many programs that are always focused on the current trending technology. The Udacity blockchain nanodegree program will help approx. 2 million employees in the future years.  There are many other courses with nano degrees, a flying car nano degree program using technology 3D simulator and VR technology. This nano degree program offers a good experience to the developers and masters them into blockchain development skills that are high in demand now a day.

The latest program is the Udacity blockchain nanodegree course that satisfies the blockchain definition, it is aimed at developers who are pre-efficient in the OOPS concepts as well as in JavaScript. The course curriculum is decided by some people, who are the main leaders of the program.

Here there are some important voices of blockchain concepts:

  1. CTO of Coinbase: – Balaji Srinivasan
  2. Chairman of the board of Factom: – David Johnston
  3. Co-creator of Ethmoji.io: – Elena Nadolinski
  4. VP of engineering at Madnetworks:- Aaron Brown
  5. Founder at LINCD:- PK Rasam

To Become Blockchain Developer Enroll Now

*Curriculum of course

There are two terms regarding the Udacity blockchain nanodegree program. Activity includes:

Period 1:

Create own personal blockchain

Manage your identity of the blockchain

The web application of Blockchain

Build a notary service for blockchain

Build API with Ethereum Blockchain

Period 2:

Architecture of the blockchain

Applications of the blockchain

Supply chain management

Legacy integration

Course description

This course provides the overall understanding about whole blockchain industry. What is the blockchain programming, nano degree program aspects, how to become blockchain developer, are the covered topics in the program. You will be prepared to understand changes in various industries after revolutionizing the aspects of the technology.

To understand the basics of blockchain technology, what is the technology behind blockchain, what is MOOC blockchain, history and principles of blockchain is the main aspect of this course. The challenges and possibilities will help to refurbish your knowledge.

Research and Summary

There are several blockchain-based courses offered by some companies. Even more the Coursera IBM blockchain course is also one of them. Similarly they also had good software developers help you if you are new at blockchain. But Udacity’s course is affordable, especially when you are already in college and running out for the college fees even. $2000 is required to enroll yourself in the course, after evaluating yourself you can register. Because it is not a 4-year program, it covers everything in a short time period.

It is said that in the USA, the median income of blockchain developers is $140,00 is higher than general developers.

It proves that the demand is not only high, but the salary is also high. The research says that There are 14 blockchain developer positions available for one position of the developer. After launching the nano degree program, students get more interest in blockchain technology.

In 2011, Udacity becomes one of the massive open online course (MOOC blockchain program), also the Udemy and Coursera. Coursera IBM blockchain is also being popular. The “moonshot” program of blockchain had raised their fund $160 million.    

In India, 1 out of 400 software developers can work on the blockchain technology, so it will be good for the financial transactions in the country. A research also says that 5000 of software developers in India are working on the blockchain platforms.

60% of these 5000 developers are working in IT sectors, others are working on other sectors. The developers who have additional skills are like 10000 counts in crores.

IT companies such as IBM, Infosys, NSE are using blockchain technology for the large-scale financial transactions. To give the more clarity, more transparency in administration system they all provide courses for blockchain.

Apart from the above ratio, there are 30k software developers are working technology behind blockchain, requires extensive training in back-end technology.

Blockchain technology experts command 4th highest annual remuneration in India.


Hence the blockchain is useful in many areas like cryptocurrency Bitcoin, technology, finance, etc. It is robust decentralized and secure to provide facilities such as digital payments, smart contracts, data security.

Udacity is the good platform to provide education in emerging technologies to prepare the world for the upcoming jobs and future by giving the exciting programs like Udacity nano degree program. Therefore the developer always focusses on the demand blockchain skills to help graduates, give them ready project portfolio and collaborate them with the blockchain developing.

To give the dynamic experience, which afforded them the benefits with the latest innovation in the field of the blockchain, wants Udacity. Because blockchain is being acknowledg as one of the most disruptive technology, with the potential to get changes in the industry. If you have the interest to make a career in the blockchain space, this is the best time to start with that and this article maybe help you to get essential information about Udacity blockchain nano degree program.


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