How Social Signals & Shares Can Help SEO Ranking

Social media, as a technology, has rapidly transformed the way people communicate, interact, and share information. It’s impact on businesses has also progressively become more profound and now most businesses market themselves online. In today’s world, social signals play an important role in boosting website rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Platforms like Facebook and Twitter are the most popular social networking sites, with millions of users worldwide. When someone ‘likes’ or shares your content, it sends a signal to search engines that people are engaging with it. This increases the chances of being seen in SERPs, resulting in more website visits and higher rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Although they do not directly influence SERPs, they still produce a positive impact on SEO and visibility. In this article, we will discuss how leveraging social media signals can help boost your website’s ranking and overall visibility online. We will also go over the best practices for leveraging shares to gain more organic reach.

What are social signals?

Social signals are interactions that occur on social media platforms such as likes, shares, and comments. They are indicators of how popular a website or piece of content is on social networks. These signals can come from different sources like friends, family, or influencers and help search engines determine the quality of content being shared and its relevance, which has an impact on how high a website ranks in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Social shares and social signals:

Social shares are an important part of gaining organic reach on social media, as it gives other users the opportunity to discover your content. Anytime someone shares your post or page, it generates a link which helps search engines crawl and index the website. This is known as generating social signals, which can have a positive impact on SEO rankings.

Signals and shares are not the same thing, however. A signal is a direct notification from other websites or pages to search engines that your page content has been shared and linked to, whereas social shares are the actual posts and interactions people have on sharing platforms like Facebook or Twitter. Social media signals are also necessary for SEO rankings, as these provide an understanding of how popular your website or content is.

Google looks at the number of people who are actively engaging with your posts and sharing them further, as well as how often people are consuming and interacting with the content. Utilizing signals from social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn can give an indication to search engines that your website is providing quality information which is of interest to a wide audience, and thereby increase your SEO rankings.

How does Google evaluate social signals?

Google looks at the number of people who follow you on social media accounts, and how often they are interacting with your posts. They look at how many retweets, likes and shares a post receives to get an indication of the level of engagement people have with it. Additionally, search engines also take into account other forms of user interaction such as comments, subscribing to newsletters or clicking through to your website from social media accounts.

In addition to using social signals as a measure of relevance, Google also looks at the quality of your interactions with followers. If you engage in conversations on social media or respond promptly to messages, people are likely to view you as someone they can trust and rely on. This could lead to them becoming customers or referring their contacts to your business, which is something that search engines pay attention to.

Google also considers how often people share your content on social media. If your posts are shared frequently, it could be a sign that the content is useful and relevant. This could result in more people being exposed to your website, which can lead to increased web traffic and better search engine rankings over time.

How to improve your social signals

Social signals are essential for your website’s success and search engine rankings. Here are a few tips to help you optimize your social signals:

Post content regularly

Consistently posting high-quality content helps keep people engaged with your brand, which encourages more shares on social media. Post updates, blog articles, and other valuable content to keep people coming back for more.

For example, say you’re a travel website. You can post articles about popular tourist destinations, packing tips, and other travel-related topics that people may find useful.

Optimize content for social media

When writing content, think about how it will look when shared on social media platforms. If a post looks good and is easily readable on all platforms, it’s more likely to be shared.

Make sure to include visuals like photos, videos, or graphs in your content. Visuals can make an article more engaging and drive more traffic to the website. When adding visuals, be sure they are optimized for each platform – use different sizes and formats when necessary.

Make sure every post has a purpose?

Before you publish any material, make sure it has a clear purpose and that it’s of high-quality. Think about what you are trying to achieve with each piece of content. Do you want readers to take a specific action? Or is the goal to provide them with valuable information? Knowing this will help you create more effective content, which can lead to better engagement and higher conversions.

Be sure to also consider how your content looks and feels. Quality is key when it comes to digital marketing; no one likes reading boring or outdated material.

Engage with followers:

Engaging with followers is key to building relationships and trust. Make sure to respond promptly to comments or questions on social media posts, thank people for sharing your content, offer helpful advice, and provide exclusive offers.

Track Performance:

Tracking performance is the best way to know if your content strategy is working. Monitor traffic, social shares, comments, and more to gain insight into what’s resonating with audiences and what’s not. Make adjustments where necessary to ensure maximum reach and engagement.

Social analytics tools can help you get an even better understanding of your content performance. Set up tracking for key metrics and regularly review data to make sure your content is on the right path.

Keep Learning:

Staying up to date with the latest trends in content marketing is essential for staying ahead of the competition. Take time to attend industry events, read relevant blogs, and network with thought leaders in order to stay on top of best practices and new ideas.

By following these steps and putting in a little extra effort, you’ll be able to create a content strategy that works for your business and brings in more leads, customers, and revenue. Good luck!

With the right approach to content creation, you can create a powerful marketing tool that will help drive traffic, generate leads and increase sales.

Shift from hashtags to keywords?

Using hashtags can be a great way to increase brand awareness, but relying solely on them won’t help you reach your target audience. Instead, focus on creating content that has the right keywords and phrases in it. Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most important aspects of any successful digital marketing campaign and optimizing your content for the right keywords can do wonders for your overall reach.

Social sharing

Social sharing is another great way to spread the word about your content. Utilize social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to share pieces of content with your followers. This will help you expand your reach beyond just those who are already following you, as others may come across your posts and be inspired to take action. Additionally, use a URL shortener to make it easier for your followers to share the content with their own networks.

For example, you could create a tweet or Facebook post that reads: “Just read a great article about the importance of content marketing in 2020. Check it out here!” This proceeds to motivate viewers to click on the link and explore your content further. This entire exchange profoundly increases your likelihood of driving more website traffic.


Social media is a powerful tool for sharing and promoting content. When used strategically, it can be an effective way to reach new audiences, increase brand awareness, generate leads, and build relationships. By following the tips outlined here—crafting engaging headlines, creating visuals that draw attention, and using URL shorteners—you can maximize the potential of your social media channels and create content that resonates with your target audience.


For more help, you can hire an SEO agency in Kolkata to help you plan and execute your social media strategy. They have the experience, resources and expertise to ensure that your content reaches its intended audience and drives website traffic. By optimizing your social media presence with the help of professionals, you can make sure that your content is seen by the right people and has a lasting impact.

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